Should Granite Countertops Be Sealed? Why (Re)Seal Granite

Should Granite Countertops Be Sealed? Why (Re)Seal Granite

Clean Seal: Why Sealing Your Granite Countertop is Critical

One question that comes up a lot when working with granite countertops is “Does granite need to be sealed?” The answer is very simply “Yes.” Certain stones, like granite and many other natural stones, are porous. This means that a sealant needs to be applied to prevent staining from water, oils, and other liquids. Certain liquids such as grease, wine, and grape juice can especially stain natural stone surfaces. When a countertop is properly sealed, these liquids will bead on top of the surface rather than seep into the stone. Sealing granite also prevents etching which is caused by acidic foods and cleaners. Sealing supports the longevity and beauty of your granite and marble surfaces.

How Often Should You Seal Your Granite?

Another great question our customers have is “How often to seal granite”? To keep your granite in its original, pristine condition, it should be sealed at least once a year depending on use. Some granite, and other stones, may be more porous and need to be sealed even more often. You cannot seal granite countertops permanently with one application. The color of your surface is also an important factor in determining the frequency to seal. Dark-colored granite tends to be denser than light granites. Higher density means less porosity and less risk of staining. Dark granite is also better at hiding small imperfections and stains. One easy way to test if your countertop needs sealing is to dribble water on the surface and watch for it to bead over the next coming minutes. If the water soaks in quickly, it is time to seal. Additionally, if the granite darkens in that area over a 30-minute time period, the existing sealant is wearing down and needs protection.

The Benefits of Sealing Granite Countertops

When Colonial Marble & Granite seals your natural stone countertops, you won’t need many chemicals to clean them and your surface will be more sanitary. Since granite is porous, it can hold harmful bacteria. Sealing granite eliminates the areas where bacteria form, keeping your surface clean and bacteria-free. This helps in stopping the spread of illnesses within the household. When sealing granite on your own, it is important to make sure you choose the right product as to not harm your surface. While we strongly suggest leaving the sealing to a professional at Colonial, Granite Gold sealer is the only over-the-counter product worth using on your own. Granite Gold polish and daily surface cleaner are excellent products and should be part of your granite cleansing routine.

Sealing Your Own Granite

When sealing your own granite, first remove everything from the countertops. Wash the surface with mild dish soap and rinse well. The granite should then be wiped down with acetone to remove cleaning residues. Spray on Granite Gold sealer and allow it to absorb into the granite, which is usually about 15 minutes of setting time. Finally, wipe away any excess sealer with a clean cloth. Although this process may seem an easy task, it is better to leave the process to our professionals for the most accurate seal.

Colonial Marble & Granite has the experience and knowledge for all your sealant needs.

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